Every Man Ministry – Kenny Luck – Recognizing God’s Intentions


But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

Half the battle of walking into spiritual assurance is recognizing the motives and intentions of God toward you through His person, His plan, and His promises. The other half of the battle could be described as the process of coming into an awareness of who He is, how He feels about you, how He performs, and how this dynamic works.

Adam and Eve decided not to let God be God; they abandoned His goodness, His context, His motives, and His intentions toward them. The perspectives of Adam and Eve changed because of a lie. Satan changed them from not only knowing good but also evil. We have to decide to let God be God versus allowing God to become less than God.

If you look at Numbers 13, when the 12 spies entered the Promised Land and returned with their reports, you will see that these were a group of men who decided to allow God to become less than God. But there was one man, Caleb, who filtered what he saw through his faith glasses versus his fear glasses and God stayed God.

For the group that allowed God to become less than God, they exchanged their filter of faith in who God really was and they took on a filter of fear. And when fear enters that relationship with God, your vision of God becomes blurred and obstacles, circumstances, and people become bigger than God’s person, power, and His promises.

The biggest and most evil lie is that you have to be good enough for God. Don’t let Satan blur your vision. God loves you in spite of who you think you are. He has given you a new heart and a new mind that understands this love and shares it with others.

Father, thank you for helping me see through faith glasses today. 



Every Man Ministries

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